Luckily I didnt lose so much money. First my profile was in English and I started to write to one of “”girls””. It didnt go anywhere and I stopped after 5 paid letters. Then made my profile to see, if I would get real response but still only pre-written emails. One of those letters even came without “”girls”” name, jus plain “”Hello, my name is NAME””. After that I changed ly profile I to russian with kyril letters and still not even one single letter who really looked my profile and answered my question. After that I saw two “”girls “” online and I asked them in chat to read my profile and email to me again. Nothing. Even their contact us doesnt reply my request to remove my account. Now Im 100% sure its pure scam. If they were legit service they should provide information about their “”girls””, like when they joined to service. After my experience I talked with my friend Who joined their site few years ago and he said there are still same profiles with same pictures. So better save your money because will only drain you dry.